Automount any filesystem at startup without root & with a single command
The normal method to Automount file systems at startup in Linux always has something to do with terminal, nano, editing fstab files, finding UUIDs and all, otherwise you have to download a package for doing this for you. Normal Mounting procedure in Ubuntu I use Manjaro Linux XFCE and I faced the same problem I didn't want to mess up with my fstab and other files and was trying to find another way of doing this. I seen Thunar can mount filesystems without permission or without asking any credentials, so this article should help most of the Manjaro users to mount their file systems automatically at startup. I found out that Thunar uses udisksd to do this We'll be using udisksctl in Manjaro to do this. udisksctl is a command-line program used to interact with the udisksd daemon process. If you just want to mount your desired filesystem at startup this command will help you out and you've to just launch it at startup! udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdXN Similarly ...