How to add a Sudo User in Arch Linux
You might be installing Arch and having a root account right now, and you want to add a sudo user. Lets add my username to your machine so I could use it too. First, we need to make a new user then we will give the user sudo privileges useradd -m -G users -s /bin/bash fellchase Now we've to set up password for new user passwd fellchase Be CAREFUL now, ideally you should use visudo to edit this but I'm a nano user so I can use it too. nano /etc/sudoers Make sure you don't mess up this file by adding unnecessary tabs and spaces!!! Just type this line fellchase ALL=(ALL) ALL Below this line root ALL=(ALL) ALL Now use CTRL + X to exit hit 'y' to confirm and then hit ENTER Now reboot and then login using fellchase & try to use sudo, It should work