Installing XFCE & other things on Arch Linux
How to do a complete Arch Linux install with XFCE, LightDM, Udisks, Yaourt, and other essentials Arch Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution and installing Arch Linux teaches you a lot about how system works under the hood, after you've installed Arch you'll start to appreciate command line and Arch's install procedure. I used to like distributions such as Parrot and Ubuntu because they already had packages installed and configured for me, but the point of installing Arch is to learn about Linux system. Learning core components of Linux and knowing which packages you've installed will also help you in fixing problems which might arise in the future, also building a system from command line is fun. Like Arch, XFCE Desktop Environment is also lightweight, minimal, and not resource hungry. Though XFCE is simple and lightweight it has some modern features, and if you customize it like me, It'd look really cool while taking about 200 MB to 300 MB of your m...